About Us

My Hometown Salt Lake City

is an initiative that combines the strengths of individuals, faith-based organizations, and community partners to help individuals and families in this community: improve their residential living conditions, maintain access to available services and community information, connect productively with other neighbors, and serve together

Our Vision: (What we hope for)

We want to help make this community a place where every individual is recognized as important, where each person has opportunities for growth and development, and where each person has access to services and people that can help us live happier, more productive lives by Joining hands and lifting together.

Our Core Values: (Who we are)

We are volunteers who are committed to
serving our neighbors, improving our communities, and empowering individuals to have more healthy, productive, safe, and happy lives.

Our Niche: (The way we do business)

We do this by bringing volunteers and neighbors together in periodic Days of Service
to serve the community by repairing homes, community gathering locations, and places of worship (including yards) for those who need help,
identifying and empowering individuals and organizations that desire to support and improve their neighborhoods by training Neighbor Reps
in supporting neighborhood and community activities, and supporting and arranging for classes and services that meet community needs and wants through Community Resource Centers and partnerships with existing organizations that also serve this community.

My Hometown in Action

For information about My Hometown Salt Lake City, call Jeff (347-907-4847) or Julie Olson (347-907-4844).

Examples of our service:

-Held an Earth Day event at the Rose Park Neighborhood Center hosting 15 non-profit agencies providing information and services, including 50 eye exams and 20 free eyeglass referrals by Friends for Sight, to 200 visitors, primarily Hispanic neighbors.
-Held a Day of Service in partnership with the Fuller Center for Housing involving 152 volunteers from various faith-based and other organizations, repairing and clearing yards of 8 houses in Rose Park and the Buddhist Temple on 1000 North; and helped at an additional 7 houses in Fairpark with 100 volunteers.
-Helped provide many of the 160 volunteers for the Friends of the SLC Cemetery effort recycling and clearing nearly 16 tons of plastic and debris.
-Partnerships in activities with NeighborWorks, the American Red Cross, and Assist.
-Helped organize and provide the 300 lunches for the SLC Homeless Outreach Fairs provided by Allison Dupler of the Homeless Engagement Response Team with the Riverside Stake, Westpointe Community Council, Rose Park Neighborhood Center Scholarship Students, and the Rose Park Lions Club.

With future funding and volunteer support, we hope to be able to:

-Involve thousands of volunteers from the larger community to help in service to the community.
-Improve and support our Days of Service such as dumpsters, stump grinders, and other equipment.
-Offer more classes and services in the RPNC and in other local community centers.
-Provide free music lessons, and sports activities for youth by providing equipment, and facility rentals fees.
-Expand into other neighborhoods in Salt Lake City.
