Our community resource center provides classes and services to meet the needs of the community. We are working in partnership with the Columbus Adult Education Center (located at 1860 South 300 East in Salt Lake City) to provide these resources. Classes are free and are open to all religions, ethnicities, and nationalities. The community center is a volunteer-based organization. Volunteers and donations are always needed.
Days of Service 2024
From April to October, we plan several Days of Service for our community. These Days of Service provide opportunities for homeowners, neighbors, and volunteers to work together to serve and beautify the community by repairing homes, community gathering locations, and places of worship for those who need help and cannot do it for themselves.
Click on a date below to register as a volunteer for an upcoming day of service
Nominate a Project
Neighbor Reps
Neighbor Reps are residents who volunteer to become acquainted with a specific number of neighbors on their block. They work with neighborhood volunteers to get to know their neighbors, identify talents, interests, and needs, and share information about My Hometown events and service projects. On occasion, Neighbor Reps may be asked to deliver My Hometown newsletters and notify neighbors of helpful resources and upcoming events. Neighbor Reps play a crucial role in the success of My Hometown. Their overall responsibility is to get to know their neighbors and to bring them together to create close-knit, caring neighborhoods where neighbors know and look out for each other.
Central Corner